Sunday, May 4, 2008

I saw this in Google news.
War veterans & young militia killed supporters & people who vote for
MDC ( a political group in Zimbabwe), opposition side of the country.
Just because MDC was promoting democracy in country, which is not the usual way of Zimbabwe.
They brutally tortured people who want democracy till death.
Casualties are piling up. till today.
Just because the President afraid of the influence of opposition to people,
he starts killing.
& now, the country is in war state.

I dunno.
People can war so easily.
They wana reach their goal so desperately till they can neglect other people's live.
All i think is people will have war for their own interest, no matter political, diplomatic, money.
Remember USA had war with Iraq?
Why they wana have war with Iraq?
Almighty Bush said: " Iraq is a terrorist country. I suspect they allied with Osama to attack my homeland."
That's cover up excuse.
What is Iraq rich for?
They wana gain petroleum so they can control da exportation of petroleum & control the world's economy.
Because of Almighty's not so perfect attitude,
he caused Iraqis
Yes, USA provided medical care for injured Iraqis.
how to cure people who had lost their limbs, become blind aye?
tell them to feel content because they were alive?
how they managed to survive on their own after USA gained their interest & flew back to their home sweet home?
Another yes,
USA rebuilt Iraqis homeland.
but do you think they will appreciate to somebody who had caused them lost their loves one,
ruined their homeland, caused them disability?

Why people, especially who held great power,
can risk losing people's live just to gain some benefits?
Why they can't find any alternative way to gain their interest, but war?
I don't get it.
They thought they were more deserved to gain their interest than letting people to live in this world.
how pathetic.

But I have an alternative way for country leaders.
If wana war,
war in Dota, Counter Strike, or wuteva online game.
Not only can gain benefits, summore can fulfill human blood lust. lol.
Most importantly, people won't lose lives!!
One stone kill two birds.
nyahaha. XD
Losers have to agree with winners request.
That's cool, right?

lotz of well-trianed professional gamers can be found. Everywhere.
so government don't have to spend on training gamers.
Gamers can get salary from doing what they like.
It's a win-win situation.

If this really happens, I'm so gonna train for Dota.