Friday, September 28, 2007

last day in disted~

okie, 2day is da last day having lecture in disted college. complicated feeling arose. is a mixture of happy & reluctant of ending so fast feeling. happy is i don hv 2 wake freaking early 2 get my ass up from my bed & start 2 drive 2 penang 4 studies. d other part is don wish 2 end dat quickly. still wana be together wif frenz. having fun together, joke each other & uhm.. having lecture together. & skip class together of course. muahahahz...

pakat 2 wear formal wear among guyz. really weird. 1st time wear shirts( formal 1plz! dat's not wut u think~) & really don suits me. fish even worse though. he even wore a SLACKED PANTS. muahahhaz... & wif a pair of NIKE~ woo~ great combination. well, since this is da last day, sure not missing any chances of taking photos~

miss da time we hv class together~

miss da lab classes..

ps: jz da results pics are shown here. da process is not important cuz result proves everything~

miss a bunch of good frenz~

miss da time i was knocked off when da lecturers r blah-ing in front~

da tukao-ness of ppl here~

surely enjoy da ghey environment in college~

u'll never wana noe them~

my boo *winks*

gay rape~

although i study not quite long time in disted, but bring lotz of memories. enjoy it so much~

how i wish this will nvr end...

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Mourn to Chelsea~

okie, today's topic is dull for those non-football lovers. but im too frustrated k!? okie, here it is. Chelsea is not a very strong team in EPL in 1990's. but since 2004, big invesstment had been made on Chelsea & many talented players were brought in to this football club, such as Micheal Essien, Didier Drogba, Joe Cole, etc. but da most important thing, they brought a great (but some sort of cacat in his attitude) coach, Jose Mourinho to the club.


He lead Porto 4 clinching Champions League Title in 2003-2004 campaign, WITHOUT ANY STAR PLAYERS in his team dat time. he even beaten MU 2 achieve success.he's a great tactician & he is full of inspiriation in football. After gaining success in Porto, Chelsea immediately hired him as Chelsea's new coach.

After being a new coach of Chelsea, he began 2 swept out all his rivals wif his brilliant tactics, include my team MU. i damn hate him dat time, but gotta impressed by da way he led his team. really inspiring & alwayz work hard 2 gain success. He gain much success, & plz imagine, 6 trophies in 3 years back. Not many coaches can do dat.

But this year, jz becoz relationship between him & his boss, Abrahamovich not good, he was fired by his boss. Another reason is Mourinho wouldn't obey his command 2 put which players on field. c'mon Abrahamovich. who da heck do u think u r!? do u think u r betta than da coach!? do u think u able 2 play well in FIFA 2007 so u can control da coach!? funny of u~ & u still said dat chelsea's football is boring cuz of da tactics. hello dude, your team rely on this tactics 2 gain success k. Why don u continue your work, dat is clap your hand when your team score goals?? dat suits u betta.

& without mourinho, do u think chelsea can celebrate like this anymore?

dayz without mourinho will be boring, though. we will don hv da chance 2 c him conduct his team beside da field anymore.

thumbs up, eh?

no more chance 2 listen how he blast other team's coach~

but thinking deeply, maybe this is betta oso. cuz chances of MU 2 clinch title is bigger. sorry 4 my selfishness, but im biggest MU fans. hehez...

however, i will miss mourinho too. i think he is da only coach dare 2 act arrogant in front of da media & coaches. bye , mourinho~

hugging & say goodbye

& long live MU~

Saturday, September 22, 2007


okie, this incident happened last week. while im still in middle of my dream, my mama shaked me up. it's a bit annoying since im having a good dream dat time. my mama said:" kia, your shoes are all gone!!' wut da ..??!! my shoes all gone?!?!? darn it!! all my swoosh were gone!! some were bought in taiwan & hardly could found it here. my dad told me dat da buggers loosened all da nuts of our auto gate 2 get in & dugged a hole of out gate 2 get our shoes. damn all those maderfugga!! my sis & mine were all gone!! but wut 2 do!? jz can accept da fact...

well, since no shoes 2 wear 2 college, im desperate 2 get one 4 myself but don hv da chance. frankly, im darn busy wif da studies. exam is around da corner. my sis got 2 pairs of nike 4 her ownself IMMEDIATELY after da incident happened. =.=

da chance of getting myself a pair of shoes is coming. bio lecturer decided 2 cancelled 1 of her lecture since we finished it in lightning speed. ( thx 2 her, i dunno wut she's talking about wif dat kinda speed). so my class end at 12 on thursday.yesh!! my mama was busy at dat time, so i gotta find a ppl 2 accompany me 2 buy. it's boring 2 shop alone.

& i finally found 1 2 accompany me~

my saviour~

we went 2 queensbay 2 spot on, since variety choices of shoes can be looked on over there. we went lotz of shops 2 hunt 4 shoes. converse, nike, radioactive & etc. at last managed 2 find 1 which suits me.

brand: converse

colour: dark blue

size: 9

price: RM99

its worth a buy though. its branded, but not dat expensive which will freak ppl out. & da quality is not bad too~

after bought da shoes, we still had plenty of time. we wandering around da mall. suddenly, my bestie said dat she nvr wore a gown ( sort of) b4. she wana try & c. so we went 2 da shop which sold all those kinda thingy 2 try on. we pretended dat we were really interested 2 buy & told them we need dat 4 a party. muahahaz...

after shooting all those photos, we quickly throw back da gowns 2 da salesgirls & dissapeared in front of them. i managed 2 spot on dat da salesgirls were unpleasant somehow. but who cares... muahahaz... we went 2 d other shop, known as SUB. shirts there were all in black & white, 4 guyz & ladies too. she kept nagging me 2 try on all those shirts dat i nvr wore b4. seriously, i nvr thought dat i gotta wear all those kinda shirt. dat's weird. but wut 2 do? she kept nagging till i gave up & gv it a try. btw, i think she's addicted in trying shirts. she kept on trying like she dont hv chance 2 wear those any more. =.=
seriously, i think it's nice. muahahahz... damn perasan. but it's a weird combination of my dressing though. i wore a shirt wif a coat outside, slack pants & a pair of SLIPPERS. LMAO!! did i mentioned dat my shoes were gone? did i? did i? im da biggest 台客 dat time~~

& we shoot some photos~

& ran away again~ muahahaz... we were blacklisted d i think. cant go 2 queensbay 4 3 months. muahahz... our leg began 2 sore, so we went 2 a place which can eat & talk alot.

new zealand natural is da place we went 4 a rest. not bad actually. at least can rest on, if not seriously cant walk at da next day. we ordered a sat of ice-cream 2 share on. its delicous & some kind of going 2 heaven~

this is wut u will feel after eating it~

we eat,talk & share jokes a lot. nice talking 2 her though. our topics seems like endless. well sumtimes kinda out of control. we laughed like hell & everybody is looking at us. hahaz... its kinda enjoying, although jz 2 of us. hope 2 do so again~ ehehehz...

b4 leaving

fetch her back 2 hostel at 8 & dat's real late. imagine, 8 hours in queensbay. now i only noe wut's shop till drop. i feel dat my back's gonna drop after going there. urgh...

Thursday, September 13, 2007

i've been brought up by disney stories.
cinderella, snow white, etc.
it belongs 2 gal stories i noe,
but who nvr noe it rite?
well, da plot is alwayz da same.
da main lady in this stories alwayz been mistreated vy badly,
even nearly lost their lives.
until da prince come & save them.
they will fall in love & live happily ever after.
this is wut we call as..
& I alwayz believed it.
innocent & naive huh?
maybe this happened at older age of society,
but not in this modern age.
in this modern age,
physical appearance is important.
with an ideal height, handsome face, bla bla...
& packaged wif good family background & economically stable.
guyz wif height < 175cm,
pity larh,
seldom gals will like.
without good looking appearance,
sorry larh,
hard 2 find one as gf.
no money,
even worse.
u better give up your current life & be a monk.
no gals r willing 2 suffer together wif u.
gals r considering lotz of aspects of a guy 2 guarantee their future life.
look strong, but pity enough.
jz less one aspect oso got kick out.
in this modern age,
dat's no more love at 1st sight.
love of modern age is based on economically, socially & physically.
men r pity animal.
gotta fulfill everything 2 get their dream gals.
really sad case~~

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

i hate myself.
why my world is controlled by you?
how you can conquer my world easily?
since da 1st day got 2 noe u,
my defence in my inner world is getting weaker.
until now,
its fragile.
perhaps da mechanism jz like HIV virus,
broke down da immunity system.
wuteva i do,
wuteva i c,
i still got da image of u.
uhm, is this suppose 2 b a psychology sickness??

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

drama's fever

watchin a long episodes TVB drama.

i've been sacrificed my sleeping time in order 2 finish da drama quickly.

thx 2 my mum & my sis.

they had done a great job 4 'sia'-ing me 2 watch dat drama.

frankly, i have little resistance over drama. =.=

oh ya, dat drama is known as ' heart of greed'.

not a bad show afterall.

it's all about da property battles in a big family.

its stry is not dat creative & fresh,

but all da old hags acting r damn good.

especially one lao yi in da drama,

dang cruel.

really make u hate her in your heart.

dats truly a big success of it.

well, i continue 2 chase this drama again.

it touched me & make me wake after i watched dat scene.

a guy, who worked as a lawyer,

was concentrating 2 think solution 4 her dream gal while he is driving,

which is oso a lawyer 2 win da court case.

he is too concentrate 2 think of da solution & bang by a car.

he planned 2 propose 2 her though.

after da accident,

he is in internal injury but still call da gal 2 tell her da solution, while he is dying.

& da gal still feel sweet in d other head.

after he put up da phone, he jz gone.

dat's really bad.

this make me realise dat we gotta cherish every moment wif your love ones.

gotta take action quickly if really love a gal.

don make yourself regret in this life.

maybe im thinking too much,

think thoroughly every aspect.

well, i really don wana regret in my whole life.

but wut i need is courage....

Monday, September 3, 2007

now.. i realised like a people secretly is dang suffering..
u hv 2 keep da secret away from da gal u really like,
& will get nervous ( some sort of dat ) when see or talk 2 her, without any point.
maybe she jz treat dat as bestie action,
but why da hell i care so much bout everything, like 'is our conversation interesting?'
' is she really dat bugged into da conversation?'
dat's senseless.
sumtimes get insomnia jz because of miss her so much till cant sleep.
is dat worth 2 sacrifice my quality of sleeping, & she nvr noe dat i miss her dat much??
when guyz approach her,
ya, i admit it.
jealousy attacks me.
but i wont make it too obvious. muahahahz...
ppl would ask, ' since u like her dat much, go propose 2 her larhz.'
okie, i would, if i hv da golden chance.
but, firstly, i dunno wut & how she thinks about me.
secondly, i cant bare da failure.
im not worried being rejected, cuz i noe dat's a part of this.
wut i cant bare is lose da friendship.
im worried she wont talk 2 me anymore,
no more jokes,
no more outing,
no more fun.
really worried dat this would happen on me.
i rather remain silence than lose a friendship.
i rather suffer alone, but not 2 lose a chance 2 talk 2 her.
wut am i gonna do?
its suffering & pain.
jz let time heal everything..........