Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Mourn to Chelsea~

okie, today's topic is dull for those non-football lovers. but im too frustrated k!? okie, here it is. Chelsea is not a very strong team in EPL in 1990's. but since 2004, big invesstment had been made on Chelsea & many talented players were brought in to this football club, such as Micheal Essien, Didier Drogba, Joe Cole, etc. but da most important thing, they brought a great (but some sort of cacat in his attitude) coach, Jose Mourinho to the club.


He lead Porto 4 clinching Champions League Title in 2003-2004 campaign, WITHOUT ANY STAR PLAYERS in his team dat time. he even beaten MU 2 achieve success.he's a great tactician & he is full of inspiriation in football. After gaining success in Porto, Chelsea immediately hired him as Chelsea's new coach.

After being a new coach of Chelsea, he began 2 swept out all his rivals wif his brilliant tactics, include my team MU. i damn hate him dat time, but gotta impressed by da way he led his team. really inspiring & alwayz work hard 2 gain success. He gain much success, & plz imagine, 6 trophies in 3 years back. Not many coaches can do dat.

But this year, jz becoz relationship between him & his boss, Abrahamovich not good, he was fired by his boss. Another reason is Mourinho wouldn't obey his command 2 put which players on field. c'mon Abrahamovich. who da heck do u think u r!? do u think u r betta than da coach!? do u think u able 2 play well in FIFA 2007 so u can control da coach!? funny of u~ & u still said dat chelsea's football is boring cuz of da tactics. hello dude, your team rely on this tactics 2 gain success k. Why don u continue your work, dat is clap your hand when your team score goals?? dat suits u betta.

& without mourinho, do u think chelsea can celebrate like this anymore?

dayz without mourinho will be boring, though. we will don hv da chance 2 c him conduct his team beside da field anymore.

thumbs up, eh?

no more chance 2 listen how he blast other team's coach~

but thinking deeply, maybe this is betta oso. cuz chances of MU 2 clinch title is bigger. sorry 4 my selfishness, but im biggest MU fans. hehez...

however, i will miss mourinho too. i think he is da only coach dare 2 act arrogant in front of da media & coaches. bye , mourinho~

hugging & say goodbye

& long live MU~